Research Topics
General research topics with current collaborators
- Flow transport processes in the lung, analogies with active microbead rheology of entangled polymers, with Boyce Griffith, Aaron Barrett, Cole Gruninger, Fuhui Fang, many others over the years from the Virtual Lung Project at UNC (Roberto Camassa, Rich McLaughlin, Sorin Mitran, Reed Ogrosky, Jeff Olander, Paula Vasquez, Yuan Jin, David Hill, Rich Superfine, Ric Boucher, Bill Davis, John Sheehan, Brian Button)
- Diffusive transport processes in pulmonary mucus and related soft biological matter, particle-tracking microrheology method development and applications, with N. Caughman, M. Lysy, R. Freeman, D. Hill, M. Markovetz, J. Newby, S. Lai, S. McKinley, N. Pillai
- Antibody-Virus-Mucus-Bacteria diffusive-advective interactions and binding-unbinding kinetics with implications for viral and bacterial infectivity, with S. Lai, J. Newby, A. Chen, S. McKinley, T. Wessler, F. Xu
- Chromosomal DNA Dynamics and Morphology in Living Yeast, with Kerry Bloom, Paula Vasquez, Caitlin Hult, Josh Lawrimore, David Adalsteinsson, Yunyan He, Ben Walker, Katie Newhall, Dane Taylor
- Synthetic and In Vivo Biological Material Ensembles, with R. Freeman, A. Gladfelter, E. Nazockdast, K. Hahn, D. Klotsa, R. Baker
- Entangled polymers, including human bronchial epithelial mucus, based on polymer physics and chemistry, with Andrew Ford, Xuezheng Cao, Ronit Freeman, Micah Papanikolas, Chris Edelmaier
- Exposure, infection, and progression of infection in the human respiratory tract, with Alex Chen, Tim Wessler, Andreas Aristotelous, Jason Pearson, Karen Medlin, Leyi Zhang, Ric Boucher, Sam Lai, Ronit Freeman, Ray Pickles
- Physiologically based, pharmacokinetic modeling of drug delivery and organ uptake, with Anne Talkington, Tim Wessler, Sam Lai, Carter Cao, Morgan McSweeney