Recently accepted / published papers and links (since 2019):
- Rheological Tuning of Entangled Polymer Networks by Transient Crosslinks, X. Cao, M.G. Forest, Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2019) DOI:1021/acs.jpcb.8b09357
- Partial demixing of RNA-protein complexes leads to intra-droplet patterning in phase-separated biological condensates, K. Gasior, J. Zhao, G. McLaughlin, M.G. Forest, A. Gladfelter, J.M. Newby, Physical Review E, Vol. 99, No. 1 (2019) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.99.01241
- Mucus accumulation in the lungs precedes structural changes and infection in children with cystic fibrosis, C. Esther, M. Muhlebach, C. Ehre, D.B. Hill, M. Wolfgang, M. Kesimer, K. Ramsey, M. Markovetz, I. Garbarine, M.G. Forest, I. Seim, B. Zorn, C. Morrison, M. Delion, L. Turkovic, S. Ranganathan, S Stick, S. Conlan, R. Boucher, Science Translational Medicine, Vol. 11, Issue 486 (2019) DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aav3488
- Antibody-mediated immobilization of virions in mucus, M. Jensen, Y-Y Wang, S. Lai, M.G. Forest, and S. McKinley, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 81, 4069–4099 (2019)
- Limited processivity of single motors improves overall transport flux of self-assembled motor-cargo complexes, K. Patel, S. Mao, M.G. Forest, S. Lai, J. Newby, Physical Review E, 100, 022408 (2019) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.100.022408
- Modeling barrier properties of intestinal mucus reinforced with IgG and secretory IgA against motile bacteria, Xu, J. Newby, T. Wessler, A. Chen, J. Schiller, H. Schroder, M.G. Forest, S. Lai, ACS Infectious Diseases 5(9), 1570-1580 (2019)
- Transient crosslinking kinetics optimize gene cluster interactions, B. Walker, D. Taylor, J. Lawrimore, C. Hult, D. Adalsteinsson, K. Bloom, M.G. Forest, PLoS Comp Biol 15(8): e1007124 (2019)
- Nanoparticle loading of unentangled polymers induces entanglement-like relaxation modes and a broad sol-gel transition, X. Cao, H. Merlitz, M.G. Forest, Physical Chem. Letters 10(17), 4968-4973 (2019)
- Overcoming anti-PEG, antibody-mediated, accelerated blood clearance of PEGylated liposomes by pre-infusion with high molecular weight free PEG, M. McSweeney. L. Price, T. Wessler, E. Ciociola, L. Herity, J. Piscitelli, A. DeWalle, T. Harris, A. Chan, R. Saw, P. Hu, J. Jennette, M. G. Forest, Y. Cao, S. Montgomery, W. Zamboni, S. Lai, Journal of Controlled Release, 311-312 138-146 (2019)
- Three-Dimensional Thermodynamic Simulation of Condensin as a DNA-Based Translocase, J. Lawrimore, Y. He, M.G. Forest, K. Bloom, SMC Complexes, Springer Methods in Molecular Biology (MIMB) book series, Volume 2004, Badrinarayanan A. (editor) (2019)
- Overcoming anti-PEG, antibody-mediated, accelerated blood clearance of PEGylated liposomes by pre-infusion with high molecular weight free PEG, M. McSweeney. L. Price, T. Wessler, E. Ciociola, L. Herity, J. Piscitelli, A. DeWalle, T. Harris, A. Chan, R. Saw, P. Hu, J. Jennette, M. G. Forest, Y. Cao, S. Montgomery, W. Zamboni, S. Lai, J. Controlled Release 311-312, 138-146 (2019) DOI 10.1016/j.jconrel.2019.08.017
- Nanoparticle loading of unentangled polymers induces entanglement-like relaxation modes and a broad sol-gel transition, X. Cao, H. Merlitz, M.G. Forest, Physical Chem. Letters 10(17), 4968-4973 (2019)
- Observation of transition cascades in sheared liquid crystalline polymers, R. Fox, M.G. Forest, S. Picken, T. Dingemans, Soft Matter, 16, 3891-3901 (2020)
- Spatial heterogeneity of the cytosol revealed by machine-learning-based 3D particle tracking, G. McLaughlin, E. Langdon, J. Crutchley, L. Holt, M.G. Forest, J. Newby, A. Gladfelter, Molecular Biology of the Cell, 31(14) (2020)
- Fingerprinting the Nonlinear Rheology of a Liquid Crystalline Polyelectrolyte, R. Fox, M.G. Forest, C. Do, W-R Chen, S. Picken, T. Dingemans, Rheologica Acta, 59(10), 727-743 (2020)
- LPS-binding IgG arrests actively motile Salmonella Typhimurium in gastrointestinal mucus, H. Schroeder, J. Newby, A. Schaefer, B. Subramani, A. Tubbs, MG Forest, E. Miao, and SK Lai, Mucosal Immunology, 13(5), 814-823 (2020)
- Statistical mechanics of chromosomes: In vivo and in silico approaches reveal high-level organization and structure arise exclusively through mechanical feedback between loop extruders and substrate properties, Y. He, J. Lawrimore, D. Cook, E. Van Gorder, S. De Larimat, D. Adalsteinsson, M.G. Forest, K. Bloom, Nucleic Acids Research, 48(20), 11284–11303 (2020)
- Modeling the mechanisms by which coexisting biomolecular RNA-protein condensates form, K. Gasior, A. Gladfelter, M.G. Forest, J. Newby, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 82, 153 (2020)
- Simulating Dynamic Chromosome Compaction: Methods for Bridging in Silico to in Vivo, Y. He, D. Adalsteinsson, B. Walker, J. Lawrimore, M.G. Forest, K. Bloom, Springer Methods in Molecular Biology 2415:211-220, Chapter 16 of Mitosis: methods and protocols, Edward Hinchcliffe Editor (2022) doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-1904-9_16
- Chain stiffness boosts active nanoparticle transport in polymer gel networks, X. Cao, H. Merlitz, C. Wu, M.G. Forest, Physical Review E, 103(5), 052501 10.1103/PhysRevE.103.052501 (2021)
- Molecular dynamics simulations to explore the structure and rheological properties of normal and hyper-concentrated airway mucus, A. Ford, X. Cao, M. Papanikolas, M. Markovetz, D.B. Hill, T. Kato, R. Boucher, R. Freeman, M.G. Forest, Studies in Applied Mathematics, pp 1-19 DOI: 10.1111/sapm.12433 (2021)
- Existence and stability of kayaking orbits for nematic liquid crystals in simple shear flow, D. Chillingworth, M.G. Forest, R. Lauterbach, C. Wulff, Archives for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 242(2), 1229-1287 DOI: 10.1007/s00205-021-01703-x (2021)
- Experimental data and PBPK modeling quantify antibody interference in PEGylated drug carrier delivery, A. Talkington, T. Wessler, Y. Cao, S.K. Lai, M.G. Forest, Bull Math Biol 83, 123 (2021)
- Measurement error correction in particle tracking microrheology, Y. Ling, M. Lysy, I. Seim, J. Newby, D. Hill, J. Cribb, M. G. Forest, Annals of Applied Statistics 16(3): 1747-1773 DOI: 10.1214/21-AOAS1565 (2022)
- Rigidity percolation in disordered 3D rod systems, S. Heroy, D. Taylor, F. Shi, M.G. Forest, P.J. Mucha, SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation 20(1) (2022)A comprehensive PBPK model recapitulates early kinetics of anti-PEG antibody-mediated accelerated blood clearance of PEGylated liposomes in vivo, A. Talkington, M. McSweeney, T. Wessler, M. Rath, Z. Li, T. Zhang, H. Yuan, J. Frank, M.G. Forest, Y. Cao, S.K. Lai, Journal of Controlled Release 343:518-527.
- Modeling insights into SARS-CoV-2 respiratory tract infections, A. Chen, T. Wessler, K. Daftari, K. Hinton, R. Boucher, R. Freeman, S. Lai, R. Pickles, M.G. Forest, Biophysical Journal 121, 1619–1631 (2022)
- Mucus and mucus flake composition as candidate biomarkers of CF airway disease progression, Markovetz, I. Garbarine, C. Morrison, W. Kissner, I. Seim, M.G. Forest, M. Papanikolas, R. Freeman, A. Ceppe, A. Ghio, N. Alexis, S. Stick, C. Ehre, R. Boucher, C. Esther, M. Muhlebach, D. Hill, Journal of Cystic Fibrosis (2022)
- Aerosol transport modeling: the key link between lung infections of individuals and populations, Darquenne, A. T. Borojeni, M. Colebank, M. G. Forest, B. Madas, M. Tawhai, Y. Jiang, Frontiers in Physiology 13:923945, DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2022.923945, (2022)Darquenne et al. Front. Physiol. June 2022
- A self-propelling end induces ballistic chain reptation to screen confinement of entanglements, X. Cao, H. Merlitz, C. Wu, M.G. Forest, Physical Review E, accepted July 18, to appear (2022)
- A comprehensive PBPK model recapitulates early kinetics of anti-PEG antibody-mediated accelerated blood clearance of PEGylated liposomes in vivo, Talkington, M. McSweeney, T. Wessler, M. Rath, Z. Li, T. Zhang, H. Yuan, J. Frank, M.G. Forest, Y. Cao, S.K. Lai, Journal of Controlled Release 343:518-527 (2022) Talkington et al. JCR anti-PEG PBPK 2022