Federal, State, Foundation Grant Support (active in 2022):
- Co-PI, NSF DMS-1664645, “FRG: Collaborative Research: Computational Methods for Complex Fluids: Adaptivity, Fluid-Structure Interaction, and Applications in Biology”, PI: Guy, UC-Davis; Co-PIs Forest & Griffith, UNC, Miller & Thomases, UC-Davis, 07/01/17-07/31/22
- PI, NSF DMS-1816630, “Collaborative Research: Computational modeling of how living cells utilize liquid-liquid phase separation to organize chemical compartments”, Co-PIs Wang, U. So. Carolina, Zhao, Utah State, 06/01/18 – 05/31/22
- PI and Associate Director, NSF DMS-1929298, Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute, RTP, NC, Co-PIs: D. Banks, Duke, M. Haider, NCSU, 09/01/20 – 08/31/2022
- Co-PI, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation FREEMA19G0, “Supramolecular Assembly of Mucus Flakes in Health and Disease”, PI: R. Freeman, co-PI: D.B. Hill, 07/01/2019 – 06/30/2022
- Co-PI, NSF CISE-1931516, “Collaborative Research: Frameworks: Multiphase Fluid-Structure Interaction Software Infrastructure to Enable Applications in Medicine, Biology, and Engineering”, 1/1/2020 – 12/31/2024, PI: B. Griffith
- Co-PI, Sloan Foundation, “RESEMBLE:Regulating Signaling of matErial EnseMBLEs”, 5/15/21 – 5/14/24, PI R. Freeman, Co-PIs: R. Baker, A. Gladfelter, K. Hahn, D. Klotsa, E. Nazockdast
Federal, State, and UNC Grant Support (recent):
- PI, NSF DMS-2028758, “RAPID: A lung mucus strategy for COVID-19 protection”, 5/15/20 – 5/14/21, Co-PIs R. Freeman, S. Lai, UNC
- Co-PI, NIH 1T32 CA201159-01, Big Data to Knowledge in Biomedicine Graduate Training Program, 5/1/15-4/30/20, Co-PI: Michael Kosorok, UNC
- PI, Army Research Office W911NF-16-1-0356, “A Network-Science-Integrated Feedback Loop for Design of Multifunctional Polymeric Rod-Like Nanocomposites”, co-PIs: Dingemans, D. Klotsa, P. Mucha, 06/10/16 – 08/09/20
- Co-PI, UNC Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, inaugural Creativity Hubs pilot award, “Sustainable access to safe water: Graphene-polymer nanocomposite membranes for water purification”, PI: Dingemans, UNC, co-PIs Coronell, Miller, Stewart, UNC, Freeman, UT-Austin, 07/01/18 – 06/30/20